Coachella Golf Guild is a member-based community of active and passionate golfers. We offer a performance centric structure tailored to each individual and comprehensive in scope. We foster an elite-level coaching environment through vision, support and accountability.
Approachable and inclusive, Coachella Golf Guild is positioned for all golfers and additive to traditional golf instruction. We coach the complete person and the complete game in a creative and collective environment.
Our foundation is based in simplicity, curiosity and awareness. We start with the end in mind and never lose sight of the fact that low score wins. Whatever your desired next step, Coachella Golf Guild can help Craft Your Game!

Membership Subscription Benefits Include:
Annual and Seasonal options
Individual and Family categories
Weekly Performance Coaching Sessions
Performance plan including measurable feedback
Member-only benefits with CGG partner brands
CGG coaching at SilverRock Resort
Member benefits across the Coachella Coaching family
Introductory Offerings Available